Saturday 14 April 2012

That's new

  I seem to have developed a bit of a twitch.  More of a tremble really, sometimes my arm will just start shaking and I can't stop it.  Or my fingers sometimes just my hand.  If I focus on it I can get it to stop, if I breath deep I can get it to stop.  I will usually stutter if I try and talk while it's happening, though I usually only do it when I'm alone and thinking and not when I'm in a position to talk to anyone.  I used to stutter a bit when I was younger and nervous, not for a long time though. 
  I have felt like I am on the brink of a heart attack for a while now but this shaking thing makes it seem closer.  I'm not sure having a heart attack would be the worst thing for me right now, I suppose that's a bad way of thinking but if I was dead it would be a lot easier for me.  My wife wouldn't have to be a divorce she'd be a widow, my kids wouldn't be split between two half families they'd be a whole part of one.  That's not such a bad thing.  My wife want's to be left alone, she'd get that too.  I guess she'd only have to admit to being my wife once more and that's claiming all my stuff as my next of kin.  A heart attack right about now would be the easy way out for every one.
  Some days I have so much hope.  Some days I'm shot down in flames and can hardly get through a day of work without making it to may car to cry.

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