Friday 23 March 2012

the best 4 words ever

I heard back from my wife yesterday morning, later in the morning when she knew I'd be up but before the kids would be up.  She texted me that she was looking forward to our "date"  yeah she thought so too.  Also she was looking forward to reconnecting with me, yeah.  She asked me to call her, she didn't want to wake anyone up at this house.  We talked a lot, she said she was ready for me to be her husband again.  The best thing I had heard in a long time.  She said she was ready to try to find our love again.  I said I love you, she said, "I love you too."  The new best thing I've heard in months.  I was so excited.
  Got the kids off to school and shortly after she called me again.  She was working from home cause she hadn't slept all night (probably thinking and reading my old messages) and she needed some stuff printed.  So I printed it for her and took it with a starbucks over to her place.  We didn't chat long I mostly just gave her the stuff and she looked really emotional and wanted to be alone and get her work done so I left her to it.
  She called me again later that night, she was dropping her car off to get something fixed and needed a ride home.  Of course I said yes, she asked me if I wanted to come inside, of course I said yes.  We talked a lot about things, she has clearly thought about us moving back in together and how that would work.  She doesn't want to move back into this house with my parents and I can understand that.  Just the fact that she has thought about that I find encouraging.  She's worried about how everyone is going to take her coming back after she left me.  I can understand that, I am worried about how her family is going to take me after she left me too.  After so utterly failing in every way how are they going to feel about me being back?  I think it will go well with most people but there's still that nagging in the back of my mind that they will have some amount of pity in their eyes.  I'm not sure how I will adapt to moving into my wife's new place either.  Mostly I think I will be happy moving back in and being a family again, but will I see her place as the place she left me too?  Or will I see it as the place she accepted me into?  I guess I won't know until I am there.  In any case I think it will be short term, her lease is up in a year so we'll be moving along by then I expect. 
  I assured her that I will never hold anything she has done against her, that I have supported her decisions and I believe that she did what she felt was right to secure a life for her and our kids.  I also believe and respect that she sees change and alters her plans and views on what is right accordingly.  Though admittedly I am much more happy with her more recent decisions than her previous ones but the logic behind all of them holds and I have to respect that.  I tried to reassure her that the people in my life that were important would only be happy that things are being worked out and they would accept her 100%.  I will be extremely angry with them if they don't.  Some people I know will hold things against her, because they don't know the whole story and because they are over opinionated where they have no business being that way.  That's fine for them, I'll get over never seeing them again, but the important people will follow our lead.  Though I will have to coach them when the time comes to stay away from certain ways of saying things.  I can see my dad saying, "we are so glad you came to your senses."  That would be bad, my wife doesn't believe she lost her senses, and seeing that some people are interpreting this as a breakdown will be frustrating for her.  "We are glad the way things are turning out."  That's all you need to say about that, don't embellish don't use your own words, just say that and move on to a new topic.
  I got us tickets to Cats, my wife seems excited to go.  I am stoked to go to a musical with her, we always liked the theater.  I emailed her later that I would like to take her shopping for a new dress for the show as well.  Partly because I want to buy her something but also because I like to go shopping with her and watch her try things on and find some nice clothes.  Lot's of guys think that's a chore but I really like it and I know she likes shopping too.  Every day walking into work or walking to get some lunch or something I see so many clothes and dresses and all I can think is how pretty they would look on my wife.  I have wanted so bad to see her in them all and to get them all for her.  I think this will be a good chance to do all that and to connect with her doing something we both like as well.  I can't wait I want to do it right now, but we have time before the show it's like 4 weeks away.
  One step at a time,  I am excited about our first date, it's not everyone that gets to meet their soul mate twice.  Get's to have a first date twice with the perfect woman, get's to fall in love all over again with the woman of his dreams.  I get my once in a lifetime love twice.  I can't wait until tomorrow night.

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